Margo and Ernie on Soaring

While Margo was basking in the morning sun, Ernie came by for a short visit.  Margo asked,” How are you and Eustice coping with your two eaglets since they started to fly?”  Ernie shrugged his wings, “It’s been hectic, protecting them and delivering food, but soon they will be on their own.  Besides, Eustice and I take turns and when we need a break, we catch a thermal and relax.  It’s an easy way to put things in perspective.  Everything looks like small stuff when you’re soaring several thousand feet above the ground.”  Margo gazed wistfully out across the plains, “I envy your ability to fly.”  Ernie circled around her, “You can do the next best thing.  You can visualize that you are flying with me.  See yourself launching from the ridge and spreading your wings.  Feel the warm air rising and let it support you and carry you on the wind.   It’s a great way to change your perspective.”  Margo made a sound between a purr and a chuckle.  “I’ll try it.  Thanks, Ernie.”